About Waiki’i Ranch
Waiki’i Ranch is located in the middle of Parker Ranch country between 3,500 and 5,000 feet elevation. It is 13 miles from the town of Kamuela and is nestled on the western slopes of Mauna Kea, a 13,800 foot high dormant volcano. The Ranch is over 2,000 acres in size and consists of 10, 20, and 40 acre residential lots. The land is gently sloping pasture mixed with groves of eucalyptus and Monterey cypress trees.
Waiki’i Ranch is a master planned community with carefully crafted covenants and design rules that ensure high standards of architecture and construction. Homes, guest houses, barns, and all other permanent structures are restricted to a designated building area on each lot. The rest of each lot is dedicated to pasture and trees. Owners may graze their lots with privately owned livestock or open their pasture to the community herd of cattle if they choose not to own livestock. The community herd is moved throughout the ranch agricultural easements as needed.
Waiki’i Ranch enjoys a very pleasant climate. The air is dry with annual rainfall averaging 20 inches per year. Summer temperatures range from the high 70s to the low 50s. The winter temperature range is about 10 degrees cooler. Mornings are usually clear and sunny with no clouds or wind until near noon. Some afternoons, clouds will roll in and cover the ranch but the sky is usually clear by 8 pm. Exterior night lights are restricted to reduce light pollution. The nighttime sky has more stars visible than just about any other inhabited area on earth.

Entry to Waiki’i Ranch is controlled by two security gates. The ranch is serviced by over 12 miles of commonly owned roads. Water is provided by two commonly owned deep wells. Other common properties include a clubhouse, recreation building, polo field, tennis court, and equestrian and rodeo facility. Each lot has up to 20% of its land area dedicated to an agricultural easement for recreational purposes. The easements are fenced so there are miles of unimpeded access for horseback riding and hiking. All lots plus the perimeter of the ranch are enclosed by high-quality, standardized fencing owned in common. All utilities are underground, which includes electricity, water, and phone. Satellite TV and internet are accessible.
The Waiki’i Ranch Homeowners’ Association employs a full time ranch manager plus two maintenance employees, and an administrative assistant, and contracts with a property management company. The Waiki’i Ranch Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors is elected by the members and is responsible for the governance of the community.